quality management

Homologation of active ingredients in the cup

An externally accredited lab examines and certifies the amount of active ingredient in each molecule that ends up in the cup. Inlabs then adjusts the formula quantitatively to the most efficient therapeutic dose.

Expertise Dr Peter Aelbrecht

Dr. Peter Aelbrecht has extensive experience in orthomolecular medicine and in the development of formulas for the food supplement industry. He has carried out scientific research in functional and nutritional biology for many years as Chief Scientific Officer at Labophar N.V. Dr. Peter Aelbrecht has also been teaching orthomolecular medicine at ICZO for many years.

Our production line has the International Featured Standards (IFS) certification

The IFS is an organisation of trading and industrial companies with a common goal. They check, by means of uniform standards, whether the production and services of their manufacturers, logistics companies and brokers/agents are capable of producing or handling a product that meets the food safety regulations and customer specifications.

CO2Logic certificate: companies that are aware of their CO2 emissions

Besides the IFS certificate, our production line also has the CO2Logic certificate. This certificate is awarded to companies that are aware of their CO2 emissions.